Energy storage is a key topic for research, industry and business, gaining more and more interest. Technology developments, combined with reductions in cost, have created extraordinary opportunities in both research and industrial applications.
The workshop program is conceived to provide an overview of this exciting world and a forum to meet and share ideas, comparing different storage solutions (batteries, supercapacitors, SMES, flywheels, thermal storage, chemical storage and so on) and related topics. A specific area will be available for posters and exhibitors.
The workshop is particularly focused on the unconventional technologies covering the two opposite extremes of the storage capabilities:
Power-Intensive Energy Storage can sustain high powers for rapid charge/discharge cycles and peak shaving.
Long-Duration Energy Storage (LDES) can support the loads for several hours, complementing intermittent renewable sources to increase grid reliability and resilience.
Wednesday 5 November 2025
Thursday 6 November 2025
Cloister Room
Faculty of Engineering
University of Rome Sapienza
Via Eudossiana, 18
Thanks to the support of prestigious sponsors and to the speakers' commitment, the workshop participation is totally free.
Consider that the seats in the Workshop Hall are limited. Register in advance!
The Workshop provides an overview of energy storage and related technologies.
One of the main peculiarity of this event is to provide a meeting point for people belonging to different environments (researchers, manufacturers, industries, integrators and utilities) both as speakers and as audience.
A Round Table on "Energy Storage" is organized in collaboration with Italian Association of Chemical Engineering (AIDIC) to cover several storage technologies and their importance for energy transition to renewable and sustainable sources.
Oral speakers are invited by the Scientific Committee (see Workshop Program).
Nevertheless, if you have an interesting topic to be presented, feel free to contact the Scientific Committee by e-mail.
While the speakers for oral presentations are invited directly by the Scientific Committee, space for posters is available for all the registered participants, in particular for students, presenting activities related to the Workshop topics.
The Poster Session is available in parallel with the other Workshop Sessions and breaks.
No template is defined for the posters, but the maximum size should be the portrait A0 format.
The Scientific Commitee will assign some Best Student Poster Awards to the best posters having a student (undergraduate, Master or PhD) as first author and presenter. All the posters presented by students are eligible for the workshop awards.
The number of awards will depend on the available funds. For reference, in previous editions two awards were assigned, each award included a grant of 200 €.
Workshop slides and posters are generally uploaded on the Workshop website after the event (excluding some confidential contents).
In order to present recent developments and to include industrial presentations, the issue of formal Workshop Proceedings is not foreseen.
Selected oral or poster presentations will be invited for a free submission on a Special Issue of a open-access Journal.
To be defined.
To be defined.
To be defined.
Organizers accept voluntary contributions from sponsors for logistics (coffee breaks, social trip, student support). Sponsors have their logo and description on website, posters and brochures and can display promotional material on a table and insert leaflets in the attendant folder.
If you are interested in sponsorship, contact the organizers by e-mail.
The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering (Associazione Italiana Di Ingegneria Chimica, AIDIC) joins researchers and professionals working in the field of Chemical Engineering.
AIDIC è un'associazione estranea a finalità commerciali, apolitica a carattere tecnico/scientifico, costituita a Milano nel 1958.
OCEM, together with Multi-Electric (USA) and Augier (France), is a company of Aretè & Cocchi Technology, an industrial holding group focusing on high-tech businesses that are leaders in their field of activities.
Since 1943 OCEM focused on power electronics for scientific research, with a flexible customer-oriented approach. Main commitment is in the field of: plasma physics, particle accelerators, industrial applications, medical particle therapy, superconductivity, radiofrequency systems, transportation, food processing.
ATME opera per proteggere le utenze e migliorare la qualità dell’alimentazione elettrica in tutti i settori in cui una interruzione o bassa qualità dell’energia provoca lunghi fermi impianto, distruzione di materia prima preziosa o situazioni di pericolo per cose o persone.
ATME ha sviluppato il suo punto di forza nella capacità di individuare (e ingegnerizzare) la soluzione più idonea sia in termini di prodotto che di personalizzazione, sulle esigenze specifiche di ciascun cliente e di poter fornire impianti chiavi in mano, andando così a valorizzare maggiormente l’azione sul proprio mercato.
We invite you to come learn about the latest developments in energy storage technology, which has the potential of a revolution.